Before hand to clarify: I don't count myself as a member of any particular religion/faith/dean, I take what influence I can from them and try to work it out for myself for the time being, the kingdom of God being within us. But I call my self a believer, and hopefully the following can explain my position a little.
"A believer. Of sorts at least. I pray, find it a most sanctifying and humble experience, I feel empowered to act for the good and the true, and sometimes I can see a mysterious pulse, behind things, behind all. It’s been there all along but I can now articulate it. It’s the source, the primal existence, that which is necessary for there to be ANY being, existence, possibility, order, chaos, energy, time or space. The first cause, though I dislike this title. The first cause is simple the first creation of movement of energy in a natural law bound framework we call ‘reality’. But this is not the beginning.
Even if you accept contemporary big bang theory you can’t get away from this. What is cause and effect, change, quantum swirling? These are the schemas of natural law, the order of the universe, the simple way things are. 2+2=4 and so on. And the big bang theory says that the universe started in a ball of energy that simple exploded creation. Before this ball (they call it a singularity, a point of infinity material density, like the heart of a black hole), there was no space or time, no coordinates. It doesn’t make sense to ask ‘where’ the ball was. All reality flowed from it in a few moments of ‘expansion’ (space overcoming void/nothingness).
And apparently physical constants, things like the speed of light and the rate of expansion and so on, are the way they are now because of ‘how’ the big bang occurred: If there had been more or less energy, if it had ‘banged’ faster or slower (in the time which ‘it’ created, if this makes sense), the physical law of the universe would be different, and a radically different universe would form. SO, obviously, there is some sort of overarching law, that metaphysical law which governs the generation of natural of physical law itself. This is selfdom articulated.
What about this law? This super reality of order and sense (in that it seems theoretically to be understandable, at least conceivable), where ‘is’ it in the void, how could it govern change in the nothing-notime-nonbeing of the original state presupposed by big bang theory (as I understand it, don’t take all of this as encyclopaedic Wali). Was it itself generated? Is there
ultra-overarching law or reality governing this?
Let us pray for all of us.