Wednesday, 13 June 2007

It feels apropriate to open with a quote

I suck at introductions, so I figure I'll just start flinging out things and hope some kind of structure emerges (those familiar with my great friend Mani will hopefully be used to this)

What to say? But what we say is seldom quite what we mean. Good as thought as any to start on.

Alas, what are you then, my written and painted thoughts! It’s not so long ago that you were still so colourful, young, and malicious, full of stings and secret seasonings, so that you made me sneeze and laugh—and now? You have already stripped off your novelty and some of you, I fear, are ready to become truths: you already look so immortal, so heartbreakingly honest, so boring! And was it ever different? What things we write and paint, we mandarins with a Chinese paintbrush, we immortalizers of things which let themselves be written—what are the only things we are capable of painting? Alas, always only what is just about to fade and is beginning to lose its fragrance! Alas, always only storms which are worn out and withdrawing and old yellow feelings! Alas, always only birds which have exhausted themselves flying and lost their way and now let themselves be caught by hand—with our hand! We immortalize what can no longer live and fly, only tired and crumbling things!

And it is only your afternoon, my written and painted thoughts, for which I alone have colours, many colours perhaps, many colourful caresses and fifty yellows and browns and greens and reds—but no one will sense from me how you looked in your dawn, you sudden sparks and miracles of my loneliness, you, my old loved ones—my wicked thoughts!

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil sec 296


PH said...

Welcome to the Blog World guys :).

mani said...

habibi james :) .. Its lovely to see you online at last.. I'll speak to you today inshallah.. take care of everything ;)

salam bro

Happymoi said...

"James of Jamahiriya" -very interesting mix!! and welcome to the blog world!

Lebeeya said...

Welcome James :) Its nice to see you have a blog, although we already know so much about you from Mani :D

Hoping to see more posts from you.

MaySoon said...

JJ, James of Jamahiriya, welcome to the blog world :o)

a_akak said...

Good To See You Online :)

"The Adopted Libyan"

Fe Aman Allah
(In God's Protection I Leave You)


James said...

Thank you all for the warm welcome. How typical for Libyans.

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